Port Louis South Division
Port Louis South Division with its Headquarters found Line Barracks which was inaugurated in the year 1740, oversees the capital of Port Louis from Pope Hennessy, which houses most of the important structures in Mauritius to Pointe-Aux-Sables Station area.
Port Louis South Division comprises of :
- The Parliament and Government House;
- The Prime Minister’s Office;
- Municipal Council;
- Judiciaries and Courts;
- High Commissions and Embassies;
- Government Printing
- Grand Riviere Nord West (GRNW) Remand Prison;
- Petite Verger Open Prison;
- Central Market;
- Champ de Mars Race Courses;
- Victoria Square Traffic Centre;
- Deschartres Bus Terminal ;
- Victoria Urban Terminal (under construction);
- Victoria Metro Express Station;
- Waterfront and other Financial Institutions.
- There are about 300,000 persons and 80,000 vehicles daily entering and leaving the Capital through the North and South bounds for doing business or simply in transit. All bus terminal and schools are covered by stations concerned.
Aim and Objectives for the year 2021 for Metro South
Crime Control and Public Safety
- Reduce larceny breaking by 3%
- Reduce larceny of Public Road
- Increase the Number of Operation of License premises by 3%
In this endeavor, we will concentrate on intelligent driven activities, supported by stop and search Operations, concerted patrol and checking of Habitual Criminal. This will enable The Police to provide a better safety to members of the public visiting/working in the Capital
Policing of Vulnerable Group: Curbing down of gender based violence
- Conduct a monthly sensitization to victims of domestic violence with support of Police Family Protection Unit (PFPU)
- Conduct a fortnightly awareness session to prevent Child abuse with support of Police Family Protection Unit
- Conduct a fortnightly visits to elderly persons with support of Police Family Protection Unit
We reiterate our commitment to protect vulnerable groups of the society by tendering a caring attitude and service. We would therefore conduct appropriate sensitization so as to reduce gender based violence. In that optic, an officer will be present at each station to provide special care to victims of domestic violence
Strengthen Partnership with the community and crime prevention
We have continuously work in collaboration with members of the public to aid in the tracking down of offences. Several neighbourhood watch scheme has been implemented at division level. Meeting with representative of community, stake holders, business sectors, religious bodies and so forth are being organise on a regular basis.