All members of the Mauritius Police Force will
- Act with fairness, carrying out their responsibilities with integrity and impartiality.
- Perform their duties with diligence and a proper use of discretion.
- Display self-control, tolerance, understanding, and courtesy appropriate to the circumstances in their dealings with all individuals, both outside and inside the Police Force.
- Uphold fundamental human rights, treating every person as an individual and display respect and compassion towards them.
- Support colleagues in the performance of their lawful duties and, in doing so, actively oppose and draw attention to any malpractice.
- Respect the fact that information received is often confidential and may only be divulged when their duty requires them to do so.
- Exercise force only when justified and then only use the minimum amount of force necessary to effect their lawful purpose and restore the peace.
- Act only within the law, in the understanding that they have no authority to depart from due legal process and that no one may place a requirement on them to do so.
- Use resources entrusted to them to the maximum benefit of the public.
- Accept responsibility for their own self-development, continually seeking to improve the way in which they serve the community.
- Accept personal accountability for their own acts and omissions.